Foundational Courses

A Transformational Enneagram Journey

Our Foundational Courses will immerse you in the experiential Narrative Enneagram panel method. In this four-course program, you’ll bring the Enneagram to life through the stories of others.

Together, they’ll guide you through the psychological, somatic, and spiritual elements of the Enneagram. With each course, you’ll deepen your knowledge, explore your own unconscious patterns, and move towards greater freedom in your life and relationships.

This is the perfect place to start if you’re here for personal development, and these courses are also required if you choose to pursue Professional Certification to become a Certified Narrative Enneagram Teacher or Practitioner.

Courses Include (recommended order):

  • Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram
  • Exploring Instinctual Subtypes
  • Engaging Transformational Growth
  • Deepening Spiritual Awareness

Start with Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram and then continue the other three courses in sequence or choose the order that works best for you.

International Enneagram Association Accredited School with Distinction + Accredited Training Program 2024
Margot Burns
The first time I saw panels I was just blown away. I learned more about the Enneagram in a weekend than I had in eight years of study. It allows the whole system to come alive right in front of you.
Margot Burn
Certified Narrative Enneagram Teacher

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Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram

Immerse yourself in the most effective and dynamic map of personality available, bring the Enneagram to life through type panels, and lay the groundwork for transformation.

Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram offers a unique and transformative opportunity to discover the power of the Enneagram and deepen your understanding of the nine types. Throughout the course, you’ll learn the three crucial paths of personal development: psychological (the habits and patterns of type), spiritual (receptivity to something greater), and somatic (awareness of body sensations). Together, these areas provide an experiential learning opportunity to support greater understanding and compassion for yourself, others, and the world.

Students will:

  • Deepen your understanding of yourself and others by exploring the worldview, motivations, habits, and patterns of the nine types
  • Learn how the Enneagram can support growth in your relationships, work, and spiritual life
  • Engage psychology, spirituality, and somatics to build greater capacity for self-awareness and explore a path to personal transformation
  • Bring the Enneagram to life through real people’s experiences by witnessing expertly facilitated panel interviews and sharing your own story with a compassionate community

Narrative Enneagram Members receive a $155 discount on Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram, and membership only costs $75. Learn more and become a member!

Exploring Instinctual Subtypes

Learn how the three instinctual drives influence your daily experiences, impact your relationships, and illuminate important variations among people of the same Enneagram type.

While all three drives are present in everyone, one tends to be more central in our daily lives and relationships. This primary instinct determines our Enneagram subtype, which may impact our everyday experiences even more than our type. By becoming more awake to your own subtype, you can improve communication, reduce conflict, and deepen relationships with friends, family members, co-workers, and partners.

Students will:

  • Explore the three instinctual drives and related subtypes for each Enneagram type, including which instinct may be primary in your daily life
  • Learn how to work with the instinctual drives to build stronger, healthier relationships
  • Increase awareness of how the the emotional habit of your type gets expressed through the activities of your subtype
  •  Engage in practices to cultivate greater access to all three instinctual energies and bring more balance to your life
  • Share experiences of your subtype on an expertly facilitated panel to highlight differences among those of the same type

Engaging Transformational Growth

Discover how the defense system of each Enneagram type shows up in your life, bring awareness to your unconscious patterns, and identify your own next steps for growth.

In Engaging Transformational Growth, you’ll examine how type functions to keep us safe while also causing us to become stuck in automatic and unconscious patterns that prevent us from thriving. Through practices such as the Transformational Growth Process, the Law of Three, and somatic resourcing, you’ll discover ways to bring kind awareness to patterns of reactivity and see yourself and others more clearly beyond the bias of type. As a result, we can develop greater freedom, choice, and flexibility beyond the limitations of our Enneagram type.

Students Will:

  • Experience how the idealization, avoidance, and defense mechanism of each type operates in your life through individual, pair, and small group practices
  • Work with discomfort and resistance that arises in order to support transformation
  • Learn the Transformational Growth Process to work with reactivity and build the capacity for more flexibility and freedom in your life and relationships
  • Share your experience on an expertly facilitated panel to reflect on how the defense system reinforces your type patterns and identify your own next steps for growth

Deepening Spiritual Awareness

Explore the spiritual dimensions of each Enneagram type and expand your capacity to be present to what is and receptive to something greater. All backgrounds and perspectives are welcome.

Deepening Spiritual Awareness invites you to experience yourself beyond the automatic patterns of type by engaging the Qualities of the Open Heart and the Greater Knowing of each Enneagram type. As we explore these expansive qualities in all three centers of intelligence, we increase our ability to notice automatic patterns and relax our identification with type.

Students will:

  • Engage in various inner practices using mindfulness and imagination to support an experiential understanding of the spiritual dimensions of the Enneagram.
  • Practice consciously utilizing your body’s natural capacity for self-regulation to increase your ability to work with discomfort and change
  • Learn the Cycle of Transformation, a process to increase receptivity and facilitate transformation beyond the automatic patterns of type
  • Share your experience on an expertly facilitated panel focused on the Greater Knowing and Qualities of the Open Heart to support your path to greater freedom
headshot of terry saracino
By listening to others in a compassionate way, we begin to open ourselves. The room gets quiet, a palpable presence pervades the space, and something shifts. In that movement we extend beyond our limited awareness to obtain a glimpse of the greater reality of existence.
Terry Saracino
Core Faculty and Founding President
dayo headshot
Whether you're looking to get trained or just want to learn more, this might be for you! I'm on my third class, and their method really turns traditional learning on its head. You're not just having information thrown at you - instead you're learning from real people's life experience of their type. It's great!
Dayo Ajanaku
Creator of @theblackenneagram
painted pattern
I feel like I can see myself more clearly. I've been on this personal development journey for over 20 years and this one course helped me to see different parts of myself.
Recent Student
Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram

Costs per Course

$495 Member Registration (Experiencing the Narrative Enneagram only)
$590 Early Bird Registration (6 weeks in advance)
$650 Standard Registration

In-person trainings have additional costs for lodging and meals.

Thanks to our community of generous donors, a number of scholarships are available.

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